Structural wind flange webinar – a great success

On Wednesday 06/12/2023 TP-Products organized it’s first online webseminar focusing on the technology behind structural wind flanges for use in floaters, towers and transition pieces. We found that it was a great success.

The webinar was introduced by Helle Hundseid, Sales & Business Development Director and the technical aspects of the Wind Power Flange and the origin of this already proven technology were explained more in detail by Sjur Lassesen, Technical Director of TP-Products.

A prominent number of industry participants followed the webinar and took advantage during the Q&A session to get clear answers to certain questions they still had.

Did you not have the opportunity to participate in this webinar but still wish to learn more about our Wind Power Flanges and how they can solve many of today’s challenges ? Did you participate in the webinar but still have additional questions ?

If so, please send a message to We will then get in contact with you soon.
